Day 15: Charleston — Hollywood
Oct 15, 2014 • 13.6 miles
For how short today was in mileage, it felt just as long as any previous day. I’m camping tonight at what appears to be the only safe place to stop between Charleston and Yemassee, so a short trip today will be followed by a longer one tomorrow.
Maybe I shouldn’t take rest days anymore. I come out of them feeling lazy and reticent to move; five of today’s first eight miles had to be walked due to muddy gravel paths and I was just fine with that. When I had to end on the shoulder of the 17 again, I was scared and didn’t want to, despite what I said after coming into Georgetown. To be fair, this section of 17 had just as heavy traffic but almost no shoulder width, forcing me onto the highway at times.
My campsite tonight is cute but I hope neither mosquitoes nor alligators disturb me. Mostly kidding on the alligators.